129859193895000000_373EU Summit to great effect on the short-term trend of international crude oil, WTI crude oil futures on Friday one-day surge of 7.27 dollars/barrel, Brent prices also rose 6.44 USD/barrel. International oil prices surged aggravating wait-and-see atmosphere of the market, but according to CMS information data observations, even if oil prices continued a strong rebound in 20 us $/barrel, price is expected to be delayed is still unlikelyIn mid-July oil cut have been a foregone conclusion. Yu Sang Xiao said, information analyst, international oil prices sharply higher gasoline and diesel prices have boosted to society, 2nd Shandong to refining gasoline and diesel prices rose slightly, individual social units rise in oil prices also have sporadic in other areas, but the overall atmosphere is still light turnover, lack of momentum. Despite the surge trading in international oil prices in recent days, however, in early JulyMarket situation in gasoline and diesel prices are continuing steadily downward. Except for continuation of steady Northeast, Northwest market potential, North China marketing policy of stabilisation on the sidelines, and East China and the Yangtze River, Southwest and South China local actual sold gasoline and diesel to continue lower, 50 Yuan/ton ~100 Yuan/ton. Currently most of the mainstream market: 8,800 Yuan/ton 93# gasoline ~9,200 Yuan/ton, diesel 7,400 Yuan/ton ~7600 0# Yuan/ton; local places such as Yunnan, Guizhou and Southwest high gasoline and diesel prices, 93# gasoline 9,400 Yuan/ton, diesel 7,800 Yuan/ton ~8000 0# Yuan/ton. Crude oil futures have a certain lag compared to spot, ahead of current market price had to digest the price adjustment expected, most markets gasoline and diesel salesPoor prices continue downward. Short-term buying and selling market is expected to want into the mainly local gasoline and diesel are still loose the downward trend, but lower overall limited size, trading continued weakness. (Xinhua News Agency)

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